Are Vintage Stamps Worth It? A Detailed Look at the Pros and Cons

In the world of wedding invitations and cards, choosing the right postage can be a subtle yet impactful decision. Vintage stamps, with their nostalgic charm, have become a popular choice for those seeking a unique touch to their mail. However, the question remains: Are vintage stamps worth it? Let's dive into the details.

The Cost Factor

When it comes to vintage stamps, the cost is a crucial consideration. The current postage rate stands at around $0.66-$1.14 per envelope or you can split 1 ounce at .66, 2 ounce at .90, and 3 ounce at $1.14. For typical invitations and additional cards weighing between 1 to 3 ounces, this translates to a cost of $0.66 - $1.14 per envelope.

Vintage stamps, being a collector's item, often come with a hefty price tag. The estimated cost for vintage stamps is around $4 per ounce. This means you'll be paying $3.34 more per ounce than the standard rate. If additional stamps are added for extra ounces or for decorative purposes, the cost per envelope can significantly increase.

For couples using vintage stamps, it's not uncommon to spend anywhere from $7 to $10 per envelope for 2-ounce envelopes. In contrast, using regular stamps would cost only $0.87, as the USPS offers discounts for the second ounce.

Beware of frauds

While vintage stamps add a touch of elegance, it's essential to be cautious about counterfeit stamps in the market. Some sellers may offer stamps that mimic the style of vintage postage but at a fraction of the cost. The USPS has actively addressed this issue, and an article on stopping fraudulent stamps is linked here. Be wary of deals that seem too good to be true, as they might be counterfeit or copied versions.

Aesthetic considerations

One argument in favor of vintage stamps is the aesthetic appeal. Vintage stamps often come in unique and charming designs, adding a personalized and cohesive touch to your invitations. However, it's worth noting that current postage stamps also offer a variety of options, including floral, animal, and holiday themes that might work well for your overall wedding theme.

If having a cohesive and matching aesthetic is a priority and falls within your budget, vintage stamps might be the perfect choice. Some reputable vintage stamp suppliers include Edelweiss Post, Heritage Post House, Little Postage House, and Flourish Fine Writing.

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In the end, the worth of vintage stamps depends on your preferences and budget. If you're willing to invest in a distinctive and timeless look for your invitations, vintage stamps can be a valuable choice. However, for those looking for a more cost-effective and still visually appealing option, current postage stamps offer a diverse range of designs!

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